(cover photo by Philip Rogers)
I recently finished a large mural depicting a wildflower meadow in my halftone style. This was done as part of Tempo2d, an initiative from Austin Art in Public Places that pays mural artists to brighten up city owned walls. I had a huge retaining wall to paint and it took nearly a month to complete, working on it 5-6 days a week. The attention I generated through people seeing it in progress resulted in a reporter from the local newspaper (the Austin American Statesman) finding me there on my final day as he came to check it out, resulting in this news story: https://www.statesman.com/news/20191001/herman-stop-reading-this-go-see-big-mural-on-wood-hollow-drive
Just in case the newslink disappears, here is the Youtube video of the video portion (newslink includes video, photos, and a written article).
And here is the actual print version. There is something very satisfying about seeing this in print, even though I realize most people get their news electronically these days. Maybe it's the halftones...
I am very grateful to have gotten this coverage. In some ways it felt like a payoff for all my hard work This was by far the biggest mural I've ever painted and it was a difficult physical challenge, in addition to the artistic challenges of painting a 9 color halftone on a tiered wall. The constant support I got from the community kept me going through the heat of the hottest Austin September on record. Every day I was there, at least one person would stop to tell me how much they appreciated it, and lots more would honk and wave in support. It was a great feeling to know that I was giving something to the community. Making halftones of wildflowers is something I've enjoyed ever since moving to Austin, so this was fun for me in a personal way as well, as a further progression of that theme. Here's a couple of halftone GIFs I made back in 2014. It was unthinkable to me at that time that I would be able to freehand paint this on a giant wall, but I did apply that year for an open call to print one of these on a huge vinyl banner that would be hung like a mural. I did not get it. Sometimes, things just don't happen until you are ready for them to happen, and then they can happen right! There's some more photos of the mural below the GIFs. Thanks! Onto the next!!
You can see more of my halftone murals here.
Comments (2 Responses)
Your work is incredible! My five-year-old son and I went to see it recently and he was blown away! He was completely fascinated by the fact that it could look so different close up versus far away and that it only used nine colors. I think your art left an indelible mark on him for life and I thank you for that!
12 February, 2020
Dale Whistler
Hi Bill!
I hope to meet you some time. I sure am impressed with your work! Keep on it!